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Gmud game client for mac

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For that matter, someone could install Windows through BootCamp and running MUSHClient in Windows. Neither of those are clients I'd use, but at least neither of them require setting up and running WINE (talk about potentially flaky development) or a virtual machine.

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I don't like its user interface, but it may be alright for most. However, if someone wants other Mac options, there's also Trebuchet. Also, a quick look at the Atlantis/Riverdark forums doesn't show abnormal 'inactivity.' It was six months from the last version to this most recent (June) one, so I think four months without a release shouldn't be much cause for worry. While it's certainly possible that Sparks might have to stop development on Atlantis at some point, doing so without making a very clear announcement would be quite a bit out of character. I hope that development hasn't stopped, but, if it has, other more full-featured clients will work in OS X on an Intel Mac through WINE or in a virtual machine. The Atlantis website appears to have been just about completely inactive for the past few months.